
Saturday, August 7, 2010

In Touch Goes After Angelina Jolie… Yet Again

This is just getting embarrassing for In Touch.

The magazine is desperate to prove that relentless coverage of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, questioning their relationship and predicting its demise, was anything other than empty nonsense.

So it just keeps digging a deeper and deeper hole.

This week it returns to an old angle, insisting that Jolie’s affection and attentiveness as a mother are all for show.

Back in April, In Touch manipulated a series of photographs to “prove” that the actress isn’t the hands-on mom she claims to be. Now comes an even more baffling article about Jolie “betraying her family” and her kids “turn[ing] against her.”

The mag tries to attack Jolie as a mother by saying she’s never around her kids… and always around her kids.


Well, In Touch uses any instance of Jolie’s children spending time with a nanny or bodyguard as proof that she’s too busy to be an actual mom, leaving those duties to staff. For instance, sons Maddox and Pax were spotted having burgers and fries with a nanny at the Oakland hotel where the family is staying during Pitt’s filming for Moneyball.

But when Jolie makes time for her kids despite being busy, it’s allegedly just for publicity. When she describes their “happy home” or takes the children with her on foreign trips, says In Touch, it’s only to spin her family life for the press. “It seems that appearances are more important than reality,” chimes the tabloid.

Considering In Touch’s miserable track record when it comes to “reality” and Jolie, we take the tab’s contradictory premise with a few truckloads of, um, Salt.

At a loss for content, the tab also trots out the baseless claim that Pitt was “blindsided” by stories of Jolie’s past in a new unauthorized biography, dropping their relationshp to a “low point.”

In Touch talks about “low points” so often, we’re starting to think the tab is confusing Brangelina with its own dreadful reporting.

Sources close to the couple assure Gossip Cop that there’s no more truth to the latest In Touch allegations than the previous dozen.