
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Is Cat Racist? 'The Real Housewives of D.C.'

It's only been the inaugural episode of 'The Real Housewives of D.C.' (Thu., 9PM on BRAVO) and things have already gotten a little snippy.

Like these small seeds of discontent that British Cat has started to sow in Stacie. In this episode, Stacie proudly introduced the gang to Cheo, Janet Jackson's personal chef, who has also catered to Tyra Banks.

"Poor you," Cat responded upon hearing the name of the model-turned-actress-turned talk show host and media mogul.

"Did you say 'poor you?'" pounced Stacie. "You don't like Tyra?"
"Hideous," Cat proclaimed. And then she did a Tyra impersonation, replete with flailing arms and a "You ain't got it going on, baby" thrown in for good measure, and effectively ground all conversation to a halt.

"The whole room got a little awkward," Mary confessed.

Stacie's offense wasn't helped when Cat said she didn't appreciate when President Obama didn't show up to a function. "Cat started bashing Obama and Tyra Banks, and they all happened to be black," she said. "It was just a little bit off-putting. ... She's just very brash and I find that borderline rude."