
Monday, December 28, 2009

Security footage shows Hailey taking tv, other items from apartment

Hailey Glassman’s attorney admitted to that security footage will show Jon Gosselin’s ex girlfriend removing a TV and other items from his apartment.

But Stephanie Ovadia said Glassman did nothing wrong and simply removed her belongings from the apartment she shared with the former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star.

“We're not denying Hailey took the TV,” Ovadia told in an exclusive interiew. “We are not denying she took her belonging out of the apartment. She is moving on with her life and taking her belongings.

“She moved all her belongings out so there will be security video showing her carrying items out of the apartment.”

Glassman moved out last week. Jon called police Saturday and said he found his apartment ransacked with clothing and other items slashed, plus a note from Hailey speared to a wooden dresser with a knife.

His attorney Mark Heller told "Hailey Glassman is going to jail. It's a simple as that."

But Ovadia said that comment was irresponsible and Hailey, “is not even a suspect.”

She also said she has no information about a letter left in the apartment allegedly signed by Hailey. “I don't know anything about a letter. I don't have a copy of a letter,” Ovadia told

Amazingly, despite all the accusations, Ovadia says Hailey has no bad feelings toward Jon.

“Hailey has nothing bad to say about Mr. Gosselin,” Ovadia told “She took her belongings and she is moving on with her life."

Ovadia insisted that Hailey is simply caught in a bad situation and confirmed – as first reported – that both Hailey and her parents have been interviewed by police in the ongoing investigation.

“Hailey is 22 years old and she needs to move on with her life. She is caught up in madness and she is a baby,” Ovadia told

“She was asked certain facts that occurred by police. Her mother was also asked about certain facts.”

But Ovadia was insistent that Heller had gone too far stating Hailey will be arrested. “You can't, as a lawyer, become personal,” she told “Our service is to defend our client. It is irresponsible to put out there someone is going to jail when the person is not even a suspect, they have not been convicted and there isn't even a judge appointed in the case.”