
Friday, April 23, 2010

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Hangs Out with Scottish Conan Guy

Jeffrey Dean Morgan made a visit to the Late Late Show last night and brought his own Snakey Cup mug! Apparently he was denied an exact replica by the museum and given a leetle one. You tell him, Rattle Snake Museum!!

Craig Wishes Jeffrey a happy b-day and learns that Jeffrey considers Craig a birthday gift. Mrow. Jeffrey's mom is also in the audience.

Other stuff discussed: People who don't love their moms should join Al Qaeda. Jeffrey sounds like Garrison Keillor and grew up with Geoff Peterson--it's sexy time. Craig offers Geoff for sale. They both drool over Zoe Saldana and Captain Kirk's alien fetish. Then continue to drool over Zoe some more--blue is sexy. (I'd rather see Zoe Saldana over Kristen Stewart in a new "Wanted" tbh) Jeffrey also mentions he has two dogs, Bijou and Bandito. N'aww.